Sorry I'm drifting again.
About the exam then... It was about PE. And it was ssssssssssooooooooooo easy. I swear I could have done it with my eyes closed and with one hand behind my back - as long as someone spoke the questions out loud and the hand behind my back is my left hand (I'm right-handed).
To the left is a picture of me juggling in the test.
Seriously, if you believe that you will believe anything. Moron. You will forever be labelled CRM. If you don't know what that means that you are even more of a moron. CRM.
Anyway, I spent most of the test sleeping. Basically catching up on last night's lost sleep. No, I wasn't revising. I was talking to Kate, you know the one that sent me the pictures? Pictures? Photos? The Walk? *sigh* The one who sent me the photo of the bull with massive balls. I knew you'd remember that.
Speaking of Kate. I actually received more photos last night... but that was after the initial post. And I couldn't be asked to put the photos on. So, here they are:
Uploading... uploading... uploading... :@ dammit, I'm getting impatient.
Huzzah! It's done. Took it's bloody time...
Huzzah! It's done.
Brief description: It's a cow.
More importantly, it is one of the herd of cows that chased Josh and us. But mainly Josh. I think it's his hair colour. He's ginger. Maybe it was also the fact he was waving his head about saying: 'Toro! Toro! Can't get me cows because I have awesome hair [Me: WTF?! Cows, kill him.] - Oh sh*t!' Then he ran. Just so you know, I did not send the cows after him.
But its still an awesome game. It's combining: Lego with Star Wars. You know thats got to be good. The only thing that could have made this game better was: 'Ninjas' Yea... ninjas... *drifts off*
Sorry, as I was saying... Ninjas... yea.
And ketchup, because it is a fact of life that 'Ketchup makes everything taste better.' But I don't see why you would want to eat it... meh.
That's it for today. Oh, and thanks for the comments. I appreciate it. Especially, if it's praise. Slight bit of criticism and you're outta here.
It's come to my attention that... my blog has passed 500 views! Great... now onto my world domination plan! Google won't have it's way yet... muhahahahhaha *[evil] cough* damn, I should stop doing that - it hurts my throat.
EDIT: Yea, I know. The Lego SW picture messed up. I've changed the picture now. The words next to it still apply. Which is awesome.
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