Right. It's Saturday. And I hardly did anything today - because it's Saturday, duh. *yawn* Still a bit sleepy due to not enough sleep but I'm still going.
First off, you may or may not know: Roosterteeth are discontinuing RvB at episode 100 - nice even number. And so far they haven't said anything about another series or whatever. Until now. I present to you 1-800-Magic; based on the game Shadowrun. Straight from the website:
'I'm the one...'
Anyone else seeing a Matrix thing going on? Still hilarious nonetheless. RT never ceases to amaze me. The facial movements and stuff are new as well; certainly more interesting than helmets bopping up and down.
Could this be the new RvB. Time will tell.
'The irony of creating a video game centered on hand motions, which is based on a sport that focuses almost entirely on the player's feet, hasn't escaped the development team behind the game. It's a big part of the challenge for developers to make the game familiar to long-time FIFA players, as well as Wii owners who may have never played a soccer game before. Although the controls weren't finalized when we saw the game, the basic system was easy to get used to: The Nunchuk is used to control a player's body, with the analog stick used to control the direction the player moves; the Z button is used for turbo running and to put spin on the ball once it's kicked.
However, the Wii Remote is used for the other primary functions of a soccer player: passing, shooting, and the like. To pass the ball, you hold down the A button and move the Wii Remote in the direction you want to pass. Crosses or lob passes are executed with the B button and a directional gesture. To shoot, you simply gesture upward with the Wii Remote, and the quicker you move the remote up, the harder the shot. You can also twist the remote during your kick to add some spin on the ball. When on defense, the A button is used to switch players, and the B button is used for checking an offensive player or throwing a tackle. To throw a hard tackle, you hold down the A button and flick the remote in the direction of the player you're looking to bring down. A throw-in is executed just as you might expect: by making a tossing motion with both the Wii Remote and the Nunchuk (though, unlike in the real sport, you won't be penalized for leaving your feet).'
Damn, no foot strap this time either. We'll just have to wait...
Due to having hardly anything to write about today, I've decided to see what has come from the feedback form (at the bottom of the page). You can be sure I will have my say at whatever is said.
How did you find out about my blog? CHICKEN (Me: ... cuckoo *twirls hand at temple*) What do you like about this blog? Peeking into your life (Me: ... Stalker) What do you think of the site layout,style, colours etc.? Horrific... You gave my eyes cancer... How many times do you visit this blog? 10+ Any comments or suggestions on improving the site? - Include email/name if you want to be named in posts. well i just love everything about this blog, maybe we shud meet up maybe.."your blog is worse then your bite" :P love Lewis G How many friends have you told about this awesome blog? So many I can't count <--Doubt you'd pick this... Do you think there should be more authors? More authors equals more updates. I dunno. Maybe good. Maybe bad. |
Lewis G. Somehow I knew a really awful pun was on the way... "your blog is worse then your bite" But I certainly didn't expect that.
Oh and we should meet up. When and where?
How did you find out about my blog? CHICKEN (Me: ... cuckoo *twirls hand at temple*) What do you like about this blog? Funny/insane humour, The awesome dude behind the blog, NINJAS (Me: WTF?), The pretty colours... hehe... colours, Daily updates, Peeking into your life (Me: ... Stalker), The media content (videos/pictures), Being able to laugh at people I don't know What do you think of the site layout,style, colours etc.? AWESOME! Couldn't be better. How many times do you visit this blog? 10+ Any comments or suggestions on improving the site? - Include email/name if you want to be named in posts. Yeah. How did you find out about my blog? i encouraged you to make it pick me for author =D How many friends have you told about this awesome blog? 10+ Do you think there should be more authors? More authors equals more updates. ONLY if the other author is totally different. |
Lemme take a guess at who this is... Gavin. Or should I say: Mohammed El Diablo Cheeseman Lover Dude. I'm still considering on the author bit - but it's a possibility.
There were some more forms filled out - but they didn't have any comments; so I didn't post them. If you want yours posted - fill out the feedback form.
Lastly, due to some matters that are out of my control. I won't be here from the 15th to the 25th. It's because my uncle can't deal with his kids. I knew it. And seeing as I don't have any exams during that time - they are sending me over to watch over and stuff. I heard my uncle has the Internet but I'm not sure I can get on. I'll try and get a post in on the 15th - but I'll have to see. If it wasn't for the Media Award Ceremony than I would be going on the 14th - thank god for that. Good thing I left my PS2 over there - or I'll be stuck there with hardly anything to do.
Meanwhile, seeing as Gavin's the only one that has asked... I'm thinking of choosing him to be author while I'm gone. If all goes well, and he does some good posts - he may become a permanent author. Unless someone else has a better suggestion.
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