I'll be leaving for Holland in about... an hour. So this may be the only time I get to post in 2/3 days. Damn, I'm gonna miss you guys.
Also, Leeman wanted to see my new haircut - which I totally forgot about. Here's a quick picture I took using the webcam. Multi-talented, aren't I?
Anyway, see you in a few days people.
I'll tell you all about my holiday. Hopefully I'll have some souvenirs to show you lot as well.
Just because I'm an extremely nice and generous person. I'm going to post this video I came across. Titled: 'The best unedited fight sequence ever' You know it's the best when they put "ever" at the end. So here, it is.
Tony Jaa FTW!
Ciao, amigos & senoritas.
EDIT: Oh and be sure to check out the post under mine - titled: 'A few surprises...' It's got some awesome pictures and videos in. And it's also a good thing I'm going on holiday, seeing as either Daisy or Kate are going to kill me. Maybe together. I'll lie low until this whole thing blows over.
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