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Saturday 6 October 2007

Mighty Morphing Power Ranger

Okay, you're probably thinking 'OMFG! more sh*t about power rangers' but i don't care

Power Rangers back in the day. Way better than what it is today. Also if you are thinking 'why the fu*k did you start this topic anyways?'
It started a few nights ago, I was randomly surfing youtube like I do looking for pointless videos and I came across Power rangers overdrive and i was like 'Hmm, this must be the newest series, let watch it and see what it became' and boy it has became sh*t.

And WJUK don't get me started on Pokemon, once they were only 150ish now they is over 400, I mean who is going to capture all 400 pokemon? who? I will tell you who no one, that seems impossible to do.

Anyways, its my story telling part

After WJUK finished the sentence a bright light took the room with speed.

I covered my eyes as the light was too bright.

All I heard was Evil Lewis scream loudly and then the light dimmed.

I slowly opened my eyes.

Evil Lewis was on the floor, blood was leaking from his eyes, nose, mouth and he had countless cuts over his body.

WJUK was on his knees breathing heavly.

'What was that?' Lewis asked

'Just something I picked up over the years of training' he said with a smile.

Finally the fight was over, Humans beat the Strogl, What will happen next? Only time will tell.

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