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Tuesday 1 May 2007

First Blog

Ok, so after being encouraged by my friends to start a blog - names not included, you know who you are *cough* Gavin & Ashley *end cough* - heres the blog...

Ok, so it needs a little work but geez give me a break; I've only just started blogging.

Right, firstly... erm.... *attempts to think of something funny* heres one - A rabbi, a priest and a monk... ok, actually thats not that funny. Hm... dammit Gavin & Ashley, what was the point of this blog?

Anyway, a little about me:
  • I'm currently 15, birthday soon (mental note - yea!)
  • GCSEs are around the corner (mental note - boo)
  • Drama exam is in two days time (damn... we haven't even finished yet - I blame this on Daisy with her holiday; don't worry if you don't know who she is. Just count yourself lucky)
Well, I have a Wii (yea, Wii FTWZOMGMOO - thats for you Ashley) and if yours is connected online then you can add me:

8879 6062 9250 0429

Currently I have one added Wii (Lewis ☺) but should be getting two more online soon. It's also funny because I originally had two people in the Mii Plaza - Lewis & Gavin - but I... kinda... accidentally deleted Gavin... so Lewis is walking all alone in the Mii Plaza, almost makes me pity him, almost.

So, anyway, thats about it for my first blog. Not much to say, send in your comments and ideas of what I should talk about in my next one and I'll try to oblige.

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How did you find out about my blog?
What do you like about this blog? Funny/insane humour
The awesome dude behind the blog
The pretty colours... hehe... colours
Daily updates
Peeking into your life (Me: ... Stalker)
The media content (videos/pictures)
Being able to laugh at people I don't know
Nothing (Me: Why are you here?)
What do you think of the site layout,style, colours etc.? AWESOME! Couldn't be better.
Good. Just one or two places that need changing.
Ok, could improve some things.
Bad. Back to the drawing board for you...
Horrific... You gave my eyes cancer...
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Any comments or suggestions on improving the site? - Include email/name if you want to be named in posts.
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Do you think there should be more authors? More authors equals more updates. Nope. You're awesome, no one else will suffice.
I dunno. Maybe good. Maybe bad.
Yes. You're antics bore me now.
ONLY if the other author is similar to you.
ONLY if the other author is totally different.

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